International Society for Mountain Medicine

bringing together physicians, scientists and allied professionals in mountain medicine


George RodwayGreetings to all!

It was an honor to be elected to assume the duties of ISMM President from Monika Brodmann in July of 2024 at the General Assembly held during the 8th World Congress on Mountain & Wilderness Medicine – a joint Wilderness Medical Society/ International Society for Mountain Medicine congress held at Snowbird, Utah, USA. This joint congress was well-attended, with over 350 in-person participants at Snowbird and 214 virtual participants representing a total of 23 countries from around the world. Special thanks must go out to the members of the ISMM Executive Committee for their tireless help in organizing this congress and bringing it to a successful conclusion. Our intent is to organize the next ISMM congress in 2026, hopefully with the collaboration and support of a national mountain medicine society. Moreover, the next few years will be important ones for the ISMM. Expanding our membership numbers, determining how to better serve the international mountain medicine community, and building closer relationships with national mountain medicine societies around the world will be primary aims for our society in the foreseeable future. But the overarching goal of the ISMM going forward will remain the goal set out in 1985 when the society was founded – to encourage generation and dissemination of scientific and practical information about mountain medicine across the globe.

Stay tuned for updates in this space!

George Rodway


Download the latest recommendations

Check out the latest Lake Louise Score for Acute Mountain Sickness and the STAR data reporting guidelines for clinical high altitude research.


The International Society for Mountain Medicine was founded in 1985, and its goals are to bring together physicians, scientists and allied professionals interested in mountain medicine, to encourage research on all aspects of mountains, mountain peoples and mountaineers and to spread scientific and practical information about mountain medicine around the world.